Stop Wales' Scientists from Sewing Kittens' Eyes Shut

In the name of research regarding amblyopia (lazy eye) the eyes of helpess kittens are being sewn shut until they reach their expiration date, at which time they are "humanely euthanized". "Lazy eye" is entirely treatable and requires little more than observation to diagnose. Typical treatment requires the afflicted to wear an eye patch over the stronger eye and do eye exercises. Worked like a charm for my sister forty three years ago. This still resolves the issue. Lazy eye affects two to four percent of all children and leads to extremely poor vision, or even clinical blindness in one eye. To date, no treatment is available to restore normal vision in an amblyopic eye after the age of around eight years old, which is the end of the critical period of visual brain development. These scientist assert that their research is in an effort to treat people affected after age eight. EIGHT YEARS to diagnose and treat an obvious affliction and prevent the potential for blindness - by creating it in defenseless creatures, then disposing of them like no more than an eye patch...This is outrageous. Please sign and share if you agree.

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