• av: Heather Nielsen
  • mottagare: Blackstone Group (owner of Seaworld Parks and Entertainment)

Tilikum is a male Orca who was caught off the coast of Iceland in November 1983 at about 2 years of age.  He has suffered for nearly 30 years in the hands of marine parks.  He has been involved in the deaths of 3 humans beacuse of the abuse and neglect he has been through.  He is not viewed as a "friendly whale" like Keiko (star of the Free Willy movies) was so therefore very few people are fighting for his freedom or at the very least retirement to an open sea pen.  He is only used for 2 things at Seaworld #1 he splashes people at the end of the show and #2 he is a breeding machine, when he is not being mated, he is being masturbated for sperm collection.  PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

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