Saving the Minnesota Moose

  • av: Sarabeth Moore
  • mottagare: Mark Dayton Governor of Minnesota and the MN DNR

People should sign this petition because moose are extremely endangered in the state of Minnesota. Currently there is nothing substantial or encouraging being done to save the moose. The moose is an important animal in Minnesota, it has historic and cultural value. Animal lovers would be devestated to see this animal perish, hunters upset to see the beauty of such animal go as well as the ability to hunt the specified animal, and all Minnesotans would not be happy to see this animal die out. The moose has also long been an icon of America and a staple in some of its identity. It can be seen that there is a direct correlation between the release of wolves in Minnesota and the deaths of moose. Perhaps there would be more of a balance in the populations if we Minnesotans rehabilitated the moose and bred more of them/ protect them. I recognize that wolves have been endangered before, so shouldnt the moose be equally protected? It is appalling to see the government and society's ignorance to the downfall of the moose and it is foolish to not do something about this. As humanists and as living human beings with hearts we must do something to save the moose. Simple measures will produce great benefits and I call upon the citizens and government of Minnesota to save the moose. UPDATE NOTICE: I AM NOT PROMOTING AND OR SUPPORTING THE KILLING OF WOLVES IN MINNESOTA.  IF YOU HAVE BEEN OFFENDED FROM SAID MISUNDERSTANDING PLEASE TAKE THIS CLARIFICATION INTO ACCOUNT. THIS PETITION IS SOLEY ASKING FOR SAVING MINNESOTA MOOSE AND DOES NOT ASK TO HURT WOLVES OR ANY OF THE MOOSE PREDATORS IN ANY WAY THEY DO NOT APPLY IN THIS PETITION, THIS PETITION ONLY INVOLVES THE TREATMENT OF MOOSE IN MINNESOTA. 

Uppdatera #311 år sedan
Hi! I have gotten a few emails about removing signatures, and I would appreciate it if you would pause and think before signing your name on this petition. Also, this petition solely addresses the livelihood of the moose, this petition has absolutely nothing to do with altering the populations of wolves. Hopefully this clarifies!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
Uppdatera #211 år sedan
Hi! I would appreciate it if before you sign to consider that I will not be removing signatures at request, and I'm truly sorry if this is unfortunate to you. By signing this petition you are agreeing to the said terms. I have gotten a few emails about removing signatures. Also, this petition solely addresses the livelihood of the moose, this petition has absolutely nothing to do with altering the populations of wolves. Hopefully this clarifies!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
Uppdatera #111 år sedan
Hi! I would appreciate it if before you sign to consider that I will not be removing signatures at request, and I'm truly sorry if this is unfortunate to you. By signing this petition you are agreeing to the said terms. I have gotten a few emails about removing signatures. Also, this petition solely addresses the livelihood of the moose, this petition has absolutely nothing to do with altering the populations of wolves. Hopefully this clarifies!THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!
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