Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers: Remastered

  • av: Willie Okendo
  • mottagare: Capcom and Disney Interactive Studios

I decided to do a seperate single petition for only the NES Rescue Rangers game having a remastered release on today's modern consoles. Anyways, Disney and Capcom did a great job at making DuckTales: Remastered last year (in 2013). So I think they need to continue on with that by making a remastered version of the NES Rescue Rangers.

It's possible to make cutscenes for the game since some of the original voice actors from the show are still around:

  • Tress MacNeille as Chip and Gadget
  • Corey Burton as Dale and Zipper
  • Jim Cummings as Monterey Jack, Fat Cat and Professor Norton Nimnul

Sign the petition if you want this game to be remastered too.

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