STOP the use of toxic dryer sheets and fragranced laundry detergent.

A recent study from WA. State Univ. reveals that scented laundry detergents and dryer sheets are laced with two carcinogens (benzene and acetaldehyde) which the EPA says should NOT be inhaled.  Switching to un scented products can reduce your cancer risks.  The increase in asthma, multiple chemical sensitivities, sinus allergies, and other respiratory illnesses should raise a red flag to the American public.  We are literally being poisoned by these companies who don't have your health in their best interest.  We must fight back.  There are numerous reports of people becoming severely ill after using these products.  These poisons are also polluting the air we breathe in our neighborhoods as these products waft in the air through the dryer vents.  At high temperatures, the toxicity of these products become even more lethal.  Please help me fight back and protect our health as well as our children's.


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