Grantland: Take Down "Dr. V’s Magical Putter" Outing and contributing to her suicide

  • av: Kelli Busey
  • mottagare: Bill Simmons, Grantland editor in chief

The Grantland article  "Dr. V's Magical Putter"which exposed transgender woman Essay Anne Vanderbilt's pre transition life to the scrutiny of the world could be blamed for "90%" of the reason she committed suicide according to Jerri Jordan, her former romantic interest and business partner at the time of her death.

Responding to the worlds outrage the Editor in chief of Grantland Bill Simmons  wrote a letter, detailing the events that led Hannan's article being published. According to Simmons the entire editorial staff and many lawyers OK'd the article. Simmons said they were completely ignorant about transsexuality and would have considered not publishing had the article knowing how problematic it is.

Mr. Simmons is now aware of how damaging it is yet he still refuses to take it down or accept any culpability for her death.

Mr. Simmons, the undersigned ask you to remove "Dr. V's Magical Putter" from Grantland. The only person benefiting by this article remaining published are the employees of Grantland. 

The undersign ask that Grantland remove from online the article outing a transgender woman "DR. Vee's Magical Putter".

Grantland editor has responded to the outcry of transgender people and our allies by saying he was ignorant of transgtender people prior to publishing. Simmons is no longer ignorant. Simmons leaves the article up even though he claims he is no longer 'chasing page views'. 

We ask you to stand by your words Mr. Simmons and take down this transphobic monument to inhumanity even if it costs your corperation pageviews.

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