Put Chance The Snapper in a Sanctuary, Not a Zoo!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Chicago Park District Authorities
I, along with most of the city and country, have been obsessed with my new neighbor: an alligator named Chance the Snapper after Chicago native rapper Chance the Rapper. The alligator showed up in the Humboldt Park Lagoon over a week ago and evaded capture until last night. Now he might end up in a zoo!

Will you sign my petition asking that Chance is placed in a sanctuary where he is more likely to live out a happy and healthy life?

Experts think that probably someone was raising Chance in their bathtub or home aquarium and once he got to be over 5 feet long they released him as they couldn't care for him. This is exactly the kind of dangerous home exotic pet ownership that shouldn't happen but does.

For a week, a volunteer nicknamed "alligator Bob" was trying to catch our friend with no luck. Over the weekend the city brought in a professional named Robb from Florida who caught Chance early Tuesday morning. Robb says Chance was well cared for so that's good. But there's not doubt this week has been stressful for the 5' 3" alligator and I just don't want to see him end up in a zoo where he has a horrible life.

Will you please join me in calling for Chance the Snapper to be sent to a sanctuary and not a zoo?
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