Guns N' Roses: Put animal welfare first and change concert venue

On 14 November 'the most dangerous band in the world', Guns N' Roses, will play in Malaysia for the first time ever, much to the delight of their Malaysian fans. There is one problem though, GNR will play at a venue which is right in front of a zoo with more than 150 species of wildlife.

GNR's Malaysia concert will take place outdoors at Surf Beach in Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, Kuala Lumpur. This theme park also has a zoo in it, the Sunway Lagoon Wildlife Park. Surf Beach is right opposite the zoo. Though the stage and speakers will face away from the zoo, the blaring sounds from the concert will undoubtedly be traumatic and cause great distress to the animals.

The GNR management and the band itself have been made aware of the impact the concert will have on the animals at the zoo but are refusing to switch venues. This is a odd response, considering the fact that GNR members Slash and Duff McKagan have spoken up for animal welfare in the past through organisations such as PETA and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW).

So, where can GNR play at instead of Sunway Lagoon Theme Park? 20,000 fans attended Linkin Park's concert at the Bukit Jalil Stadium in 2013. Metallica played to 30,000 fans at Stadium Merdeka, also in 2013. Both these venues are way bigger than Surf Beach. There are other huge venues in Kuala Lumpur, far away from any zoo.

The band have grossed a revenue of almost half a billion dollars since their world tour kicked off in 2016. That's right, half a billion dollars. Money is not an issue to switch venues.

Please sign and share this petition to demand GNR change their venue for the concert and the Malaysian government to ban all future concerts at Sunway Lagoon Theme Park. The Malaysian fans and the band deserve a good time, but not at the expense of animals.

Uppdatera #26 år sedan
Thank you for signing this petition. Have you tweeted to Guns N' Roses to ask them to change the venue of their concert in Malaysia? If you haven't CLICK HERE to tweet now. Social media is a vital tool to get your voices heard for the animals!

We also encourage you to write to the band's management. The email is

Help keep the pressure up!
Uppdatera #16 år sedan
We're close to 50,000 signatures, thank you!

Here is what you can do next, tweet directly to GNR. Twitter handles of GNR members Axl, Slash, Duff, the theme park and M'sian wildlife authorities have been added. We have created the tweet for you.

All you need to do is to CLICK HERE to tweet now. If it doesn't work copy and paste this link into your web browse to tweet -

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