Boy Scouts Stop Using Palm Oil from Endangered Orangutan Habitat
This petition is to stop Trail's End, the company that supplies fundraising popcorn for Boy Scouts of America and Canada, from using palm oil from critical habitat for orangutans and other endangered species . Weaver Popcorn, the parent company , already makes a brand of popcorn that does not use palm oil. Boy Scouts of Americana and Canada is about protecting the environment. Palm oil causes many environment problems including destroying rainforest in Indonesia . This petition is to stop Trail's End from using palm oil from unsustainable sources, including critical wildlife habitat in Indonesia. This petition is asking the Boy Scouts to stay true to their mission. We urge the Boy Scouts to use a more sustainable product for their fundraising. For more information on palm oil and endangered wildlife please see
This petition is to stop Trail's End, the company that supplies fundraising popcorn for Boy Scouts of America and Canada, from using palm oil from critical habitat for orangutans and other endangered species . Weaver Popcorn, the parent company , already makes a brand of popcorn that does not use palm oil. Boy Scouts of Americana and Canada is about protecting the environment. Palm oil causes many environment problems including destroying rainforest in Indonesia . This petition is to stop Trail's End from using palm oil from unsustainable sources, including critical wildlife habitat in Indonesia. This petition is asking the Boy Scouts to stay true to their mission. We urge the Boy Scouts to use a more sustainable product for their fundraising. For more information on palm oil and endangered wildlife please see
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