Help save the forests of Tasmania from destruction

  • av: Georgina B
  • mottagare: Newly elected Tasmanian Premier - Will Hodgman

Tasmanian Premier elect, Will Hodgman, has openly declared war on the environment.

The newly elected Tasmanian Premier has told environmental groups that do not back his pro-logging agenda that he will not "be held to ransom" by a minority. Since winning the election, Mr Hodgman has stated that he will not even meet with environmental groups to discuss his position.

However, in deciding to go to war on the environment, the Hodgman government is ripping up a peace deal between green groups and the timber industry that aimed to end 30 years of conflict. Moreover, Mr Hodgman is actually under pressure from some logging industry groups to maintain the deal.

The peace deal secured the endorsement of the struggling timber industry by environmentalists in return for the protection of around 500,000 hectares of forest. The deal also committed millions of dollars to downsize the industry and create alternative jobs. Mainstream environment groups including The Wilderness Society, Australian Conservation Foundation and Environment Tasmania are all signatories to the agreement.

Hodgman's argument that he will create jobs by ripping up the deal is a falsehood, with only 1% of Tasmanian jobs associated with logging - 15% of jobs come from tourism.

Please sign the petition and share it with others. Demand that Premier Hodgman maintains the peace by respecting the peace deal brokered by the logging industry and environment groups. Demand no war on the environment!


Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Tasmania is on the verge of tearing up the forestry peace deal. Environmentalists say the move by the state government would open up 1.5m hectares of largely pristine forest to logging. The bill has already passed the lower house, and is in the process of negotiating the upper house of parliament. Please share the petition to ask Tasmania's Upper House to reject the government's proposal.
Signera petitionen
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