• av: Kristen O'Reilly

There is an ongoing problem with irresponsible (and cruel) people that leave dogs (or cats) in boiling hot cars while they are attending to their own needs. In many instances, animals have not only been traumatized, but many have died. The problem is that no one is being held accountable. These selfish people (who should not own animals) don't take the animal's welfare into consideration and they are only given a citation or slap on the wrist. Unless we start arresting these people and charge them with animal abuse or animal murder, they will continue to do this. This cannot continue. It is not fair that animals are suffering to such a degree, and the owners are not being punished. In addition to criminal charges, these people should also be forbidden from ever owning any kind of animal ever again!!

As the hot days are upon us, we hear too often about selfish people that insist on bringing their animal(s) out with them into a boiling hot car.  Instead of leaving these dogs/cats at home in an air conditioned home, owners leave their animals in a brutally hot car, sometimes leaving them there for hours.  Many dogs have died because of this and the owners are not punished or held accountable.  At the most, they are given a citation.  These people brutally traumatized, and in many instances, killed their own animal.  Criminal charges MUST be placed upon these people.  They have no remorse, and I believe they will do it again.  In addition, these people should never be allowed to own any kind of animal ever again!

Uppdatera #58 år sedan
The hot days of summer will be upon us very shortly. Please keep in mind that we will hear about the selfish "should-not-be-an-animal-parent" monsters that leave their animals in a boiling hot vehicle, at times resulting in death. Not one person has ever been charged and prosecuted for this degree of animal abuse. Please sign this petition and let's try to get a bill passed that will get these selfish monsters arrested and prosecuted for animal cruelty.
Uppdatera #49 år sedan
Now that the cold days of winter are upon us, our sites are on preventing people from keeping their animals outside in the cold. Even though summer seems a ways off, it is so important that we get this petition signed and hopefully get the "wheels of justice" grinding for this cause. To date, with disappointment, we've only received a little of 400 signatures. Still need to obtain 1,000 signatures in order to take this petition to the next level. Thank you very much!!
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
The cold days of winter are falling upon us, but we must not forget that it will be summer again. Pls. watch attc. video of an instance two years ago in France of a family that left their bulldog in a boiling hot car for FOUR hours. The dog died and NOTHING happened to the monsters that owned him. Please watch this brief video. Thank you very much too all of those that have signed and forwarded. Very much appreciated!!
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Even though summer is over for now, it will be upon us again soon, and selfish, neglectful people (who should not own animals) will not think twice about leaving their animals in boiling hot cars. Please sign and share and tweet this petition so we can get a law passed that will start prosecuting people for this act of animal abuse. Thank you!
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Please sign, we hear every day about dogs being left in hot cars, some resulting in being extremely traumatized and some have resulted in death. Please sign so we can start prosecuting people (who should not own animals) that selfishly put their animal thru such unnecessary suffering. Thank you!
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