Help this Austrian man fight a fine for helping ducks!

I would like to bring this problem to the attention of Care 2 activists,the man pictured is an Austrian activist,who is currently fighting a fine for helping ducks by ushering them down a river and across the border into Hungary.

An Austrian animal rights activist who saved hundreds of sitting ducks bred for hunting by ushering them down a river in Austria and across the border to safety in Hungary has been fined.

Local officials in Neusiedl am See, infuriated at the action by Martin Balluch and the local publicity his rescue of the ducks attracted, have now fined him 110 EUR (101 GBP) – and he will have to spend 34 hours in jail if he does not pay.Balluch, who is standing in the upcoming general election for the party led by independent candidate Peter Pilz, said he would fight the fine and added: "This is no surprise. Abuses are ignored by officials, and anybody who reveals what is going on is victimised."

The rescue operation exposed a sick practice in which ducks are bred in tiny cages in Hungary and then brought into Austria where they are placed in a fenced area on a lake or river.

Once their wings are strong enough for them to be able to fly, they are released where they have little chance of escaping hunters who are waiting to shoot them come Autumn.

However, on this occasion they were freed because after being released onto the river, Balluch, wearing a huge pair of waders gently herded the ducks downstream and across the border into Hungary. 

On one occasion people working for the hunt try to stop him and he ends up in the water, but nevertheless he carries on until all of the ducks are safely across the border in Hungary.

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
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