He Dumped an Elderly Dog in the Trash with Rope Tied Around Her Neck, in Extreme Heat

A man in Florida was recently caught on video dumping a live dog in a dumpster - leaving the 16-year old nearly-blind Shih Tzu to die.

When authorities arrived, they discovered that he'd left a rope tied around the dog's neck, then stuffed her inside a trash bag. Meanwhile, the temperatures in Florida had risen, meaning not only would little Xyla have slowly suffocated to death - she would have also been dying from extreme heat.

As the county sheriff's office stated, "She was on her way to a painful death. ... her last moments would have been like drowning from the inside out."

Sign the petition to demand justice!

When police apprehended the man, he claimed the dog's owners had passed away, leaving him in charge. Apparently he told the rest of the family he was going to take the dog away "to be put down." And what he meant by "put down" was abandoned, with a rope around her neck, in a trash bag, in a dumpster, in intense heat.

The man has been arrested and charged with animal abuse. If convicted, he would be placed on the local Animal Abuser Registry, and therefore banned from owning animals.

Meanwhile, little Xyla has made a full recovery. She's been treated by veterinary experts and is now "running around" and excited to be adopted into her forever home.

Clearly this man needs counseling to help him process why he would treat an animal like that. Sign the petition to urge authorities to require him to receive counseling treatment!
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