Stop a Huge Dam in Wild Alaska

The State of Alaska wants to build the 5th tallest dam on earth in the heart of the most-visited area of Alaska, the Denali (Mt. McKinley) region. A 800-foot (240 m) high dam would:
*devastate the enormous Susitna river, one of the last great wild rivers on the planet
*kill large salmon runs, grizzly bear and caribou
*crush local economies based on state, national, and international visitors who come to see wild Alaska
*stifle motivations to develop real renewable energy, like tidal and geothermal (which Alaska has in abundance).

The dam would be built just 40 miles (65 km) from an active fault that in 2002 generated a 7.9 earthquake. There have been 11 catastrophic dam failures in the U.S. since 1972.

Current electrical needs in the area the dam would serve are already met by abundant energy sources. Those existing resources can meet all future needs for hundreds of years. The dam is simply unnecessary. for more info (cool video)

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