Dogpark to be shared with abused/abandoned animals

  • av: Anna Parsyan
  • mottagare: Côte-Des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Borough, Montreal, QC Local Officials

   The Côte-Des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Borough has four dog runs in different parts of it. There is no dog park in the proximity of the SPCA that shelters hundreds of abused and abandoned animals. Because of huge numbers of abandoned animals, not all them can be walked every day, spending days in their cages, that diminishes their chances/opportunities to enjoy and exercise outdoors, lose their fears and regain their trust of humans and the surrounding world and ultimately get a second chance for a nice home. All that is needed is a small piece of fenced area (can be allocated in the nearby Park De-La-Savanne where the huge open space is not used optimally and properly; or next to the SPCA Emergency Shelter) for the animals to run freely and with no danger to the passer-bies. By proper planning of the space, there will always be a small unused/or unusable strip of ground that can be allocated for a dogpark.
   SPCA is funded by donations, and is run by limited staff and volunteers with big hearts. There must be pet owners at the local government who would understand, sympathize and try to help.  We have domesticated many animals during our long history to serve us and to do the most dangerous tasks for us, without any second thoughts, in peace and war times and they still do it for us; and among others the dogs have truly become "men's best friends". Now they, and all the animals, are in need of our HELP. Please sign this petition and give the animals a second chance, it takes all our voices together to create a better life for our best friends who are so dependent on us, and ultimately for us as human beings!!!. They live so short and do not ask for anything at all. -  All they give is LOVE, and they want is LOVE! Please get united for this right cause and thank you for caring!

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