China: Stop Massacring Turtles in Foreign Waters!

2,626 rare Turtles.

That was how many Taiwanese authorities found on an illegal boat, captured far in the waters of Southeast Asia, on its way back to China for consumption by the ultra rich.

2,626 turtles. And this is only the latest in a string of similar stories from countries as far away as Indonesia, of Chinese boats coming into protecting waters and capturing, indiscriminately, turtles, and taking them back to China.

This is even worse when you realize that many of these countries have taken strong steps to protect Turtles, an endangered species. In Indonesia, where I once worked, their numbers were beginning to rebound. Not anymore. Illegal boats from China are decimating the progress that environmentalists have worked years to build. And putting the future of Turtles in jeopardy.

Sign this petition, and share widely, and call on the Chinese Government to effectively monitor and enforce laws against the illegal capturing and killing of turtles for consumption. We know they have the capacity to do this - not, just to make sure they do. International pressure will make a difference.

Dear Officials,

Please take steps to ensure that Chinese boats no longer massacre and steal Turtles from other countries waters.

Turtles are an endangered species, and China has an obligation to help protect these valuable species globally.


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