Liberal Party of Canada - Stand against ANIMAL TESTING

  • av: Tammy Robinson
  • mottagare: Justin Trudeau, Leader, Liberal Party of Canada

In 2002, the University of Winnipeg was found out to be buying dogs from city shelters for animal testing, and killing them when they were done. Under the city’s contract, pound dogs were used for “acute studies,” which means they were anesthetized and never woke up again after the procedure was completed. The dogs had their windpipes removed for testing of the smooth muscle’s response to treatments that will eventually be used on humans. Dogs were used for the research because their windpipes are closer in size to humans than those of smaller lab animals.

The city cancelled the contract. They couldn't handle the massive public backlash. One physician disagreed, and made a very public push for the city to reverse it's decision.

"It looks like someone is afraid of losing votes.” That's what DOUG EYOLFSON said about it. He was in all the local papers, writing letters and petitioning for the decision to be changed.

Dr. Doug Eyolfson was astounded the city cancelled the contract
without talking to the university first. The emergency physician said medical research could not happen without animals. “I would imagine this is going to put a strain on some budgets," said Eyolfson, pointing out that other animals such as pigs are much more expensive to obtain. “To not have a prolonged discussion first about the benefits of this kind of research is inappropriate." (Winnipeg Free Press, Nov. 14, 2002)

Doug is now running for the LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA, in my riding of Charleswood-St James-Assiniboia-Headingley.

Tell the Liberals that you won't vote for a Candidate who supports animal cruelty. Tell Justin Trudeau that you want a new candidate.

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