Bring back the chicken bacon ciabatta sandwich to Dunkin' Donuts

Picture this: @me, hungover, waking up in the wee hours of the morning to get myself my usual hangover cure: the glorious, crispy, juicy, and delectable chicken bacon ranch sandwich from Dunkin' Donuts. I roll up to the drive through and tell the man my usual. He hesitates before breaking the news. "I'm so sorry ma'am, but we don't sell that anymore." At first I am in shock, this can't be happening! I exit my car, drop to my knees and scream into the sky, cursing the universe for my untimely fate. "WHYYYY?!" I yell. The evil corporate greed machine has taken the magnificent CBR sandwich from us, keeping them all for themselves. It's been 8 months since I've tasted the sandwich in all it's glory. 8 months too long. I will not rest until we have it again. STAND UP FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN, STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS. WE DESERVE CHICKEN! BACON! RANCH! AND JUSTICE! AMERICA RUNS ON DUNKIN!!!!

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