Ask The Weather Network to Please STOP wearing Canada Goose coats.

Every morning we turn on our televisions to see how our day is going to start out. We want to know how we should be prepared for the weather that morning. 
And every morning we are faced with cruelty.
I pay for my cable, you pay for your cable. We do this to view the things we want to view.
NOT to view things we do not wish to see.

The Weather Network allows its spokespeople (weather women and men) to wear Canada Goose coats on air. For some of us this is unacceptable.
We know of the cruelty that goes into making one of these coats. The animals that are trapped, anally electrocuted, and skinned for their fur.  Just to make the trim. We know that the geese used in the down filling of these coats are treated as objects and not beings and are plucked (ripped out) for their feathers. 

Canada Goose is a cruel company and makes money off the suffering of animals. Please ask the The Weather Network to stop wearing these coats. There are many other warm choices for a winter coat they could be using.

Cruelty to animals should not be glamourized mainstream thing.

Please sign the petition.

Dear Weather Network

We, the signed petitoners, come to you and ask that you stop allowing your spokesmembers to wear Canada Goose brand coats online.

Canada Goose makes money off the backs of cruelty.

The animals used to make the trims and filling are abused for their fur and feathers.
Canada Goose prides themself on Ethically sourcing animals for their coats.

That being said, there is no "Ethical" way to kill an animal. 

The trim used on the coats comes from Coyotes who are trapped painfully in leg holds, anally electrocuted and then skinned. This is cruel, barbaric, and needless.
Geese are also abused.. again there is no "ethical" way to pluck feathers from a bird.The feathers are being Ripped from their bodies as they are held down.

Citizens pay good money for their TV programming. They should not be forced to view cruel things. It is just as easy for us to go online and get our weather readings from newpapers, or google.

Please keep that in mind when considering our request.


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