• av: Tamara Cassidy
  • mottagare: World Vision; Canadian Feed the Children; Care Canada; Canadian Hunger Foundation; Plan Int'l Canada Inc., Heifer Int'l

Canadian Feed The Children, Plan International Canada, Care Canada; Canadian Hunger Foundation, World Vision, and Heifer International have set up a program whereby people can donate the babies from the animals they breed to the families that are less fortunate.  This can easily be done online whereby you can purchase one animal, and get one free; and just add them to your online shopping cart - one after the other.  There are plenty of other resources people can donate without playing with the lives of innocent animals.  Canada Feeds Children describes the donations of these animals as 'The Best Gift Ever' and 'The Gift That Keeps on Giving', and 'An Extra Special Gift'.  Imagine a baby goat or chick having to provide food and dairy to an entire family.  The photos with the children receiving the animals, of course, make it look like the animals will be welcomed as a family pet.  This is a mortifying false advertisement for those of us who know what is really going on here ;(  PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THIS PETITION - for the animals.

o Whom It May Concern,

Please stop controlling the lives of innocent animals.  So many other countries are changing their ways in this regard.  We have endless resources as well as money to donate to poverty-stricken countries that do not involve the abuse of living, sentient creatures.  Your buy-1-get-1-free deals are shocking to our human souls, and the shopping cart even more so.  The plan that you provide two animals for breeding purposes to families that are poor has no forethought, as it is expensive to care PROPERLY for one animal, let alone however many new ones born.

We would like to suggest vegetarian meat donations such as Gardein, Tofurky, Yves, Field Roast; and soy milk brands such as Silk, So Good, and So Nice.  These both cover vitamins and protein in the human diet.  As well, why not have a vitamin store where people can donate vitamins needed to supplement the general health of the poor?

As far as helping other countries, CASH IS KING, and donations of currency help poor families have a choice in what they would like to do, not be strapped with little lives they may not even care to support.  

If hunger is really the issue here, you should know that many of us are as healthy as oxen living on these cruelty-free nutrition options.  

Kind and troubled regards,

People who love and care about animals

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
Thank you all for your signatures. Here is another culprit that enables innocent animals to be sent to places where they will be overworked/spent from laying eggs; and eventually killed and eaten.

Pls share to spread awareness, allow others to act; and prevent exploitation XO

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