Ask for Air Quality Testing in Socorro Schools near Superfund Plume

We the undersigned urge the City of Socorro local government to seek additional vapor intrusion sampling at buildings above or near the Eagle Picher Carefree Battery Plant Superfund Site groundwater contamination plume that contain children activities during the day, especially, the New Mexico Tech Children's Center and Sarracino Middle School.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has assigned a National Priority List (NPL) Hazard Ranking System (HRS) score of 50.0 to this Superfund Site in 2007—the same score as the ten other highest risk sites in NM. The groundwater plume is now within Socorro City limits covers ~ 360 acres. Ongoing contaminants of concern in city limits are heavy metals (i.e., lead, cadmium, and chromium) and volatile chlorinated solvents (i.e., tetrachloroethene or PCE, trichloroethene or TCE, 1,1-dichloroethene or DCE, and 1,4 dioxane). The contaminants are migrating south- and southwest into the western edge of Socorro at an approximate groundwater velocity of 220 feet/year and currently, affecting supply wells used for irrigation and domestic use. Further, the contaminates pose risk of dangerous vapor intrusion to buildings above the plume, potentially affecting the indoor air quality and health of vulnerable populations—especially children.

EPA recommends near-term treatments since long time-frame cleanups are NOT considered protective of human health. Imminent soil, groundwater, vapor intrusion, and ecological risks to Socorro residents are significant—especially children. The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) has a Remedial Design for site soil and groundwater treatment on file but there are significant data gaps preventing sufficient mapping and community evaluation of these plans and our safety. Let's fill a data gap and protect our children!

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