In 2022, Bestiality Still Isn't Banned in Some States

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: New Mexico and West Virginia

There is no other way to look at it: bestiality is animal abuse. Yet, the horrific act is still legal in New Mexico and West Virginia. Neither state has a law prohibiting bestiality. This must change.

Sign the petition to demand New Mexico and West Virginia finally ban bestiality!

The fact that these states do not protect animals from sexual abuse is completely unacceptable. New Mexico and West Virginia are turning their backs on animals at their most vulnerable and letting people get away with one of the most violating, violent forms of abuse. 

Dogs, cats, and all other creatures are capable of feeling pain and fear, and their voicelessness makes them easy targets for cruelty. It's time to change that by raising our voices for them.

To make matters worse, sexual abuse of animals is often linked to domestic violence, child abuse and other criminal behavior, according to criminologist M. Jenny Edwards.

These states must act to finally criminalize bestiality to protect animals and humans alike. 

Sign the petition to demand New Mexico and West Virginia finally ban bestiality!

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