End Animal Testing in the U.S!

Animals in laboratories have never breathed the fresh air or felt the grass under their feet. Instead, they live their life in a barren cage, lonely and scared. Every day, they wait afraid of the next painful procedure that awaits them. Millions of cats, dogs, rabbits, mice, birds, and primates live and die in laboratories. Should animals face this much suffering at the hands of our needs for cosmetics and house products?

Dear President, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." --Gandhi

Have you ever considered how many animals suffer in laboratories? Each year, over 100 million animals are killed in U.S. labs for cosmetic testing, medical testing and drug testing. The truth us, the animals that die the earliest are the lucky ones. Most of the animals undergo torture you would not believe exists. Some of those animals have their skulls sliced open, some have their skin burned off, some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, and the list just goes on. To make it worse, once they have undergone this horrific treatment, they are confined to barren cages in which they quickly become psychologically traumatized. The fact is, we gain nothing from testing on these helpless animals. The experiments do not contribute to human health. Because animals differ so much biologically to human beings, we can’t come out with useful results. Therefore, animal testing is a waste of time. By continuing with animal testing, we are achieving nothing. In fact, all we are doing is wasting time, money and innocent lives. Some scientists have said themselves that testing needs to be done on humans in order to understand whether or not it is harmful or useful. 92% of drugs tested on animals do not make it through the human clinical trials. So why do we continue to take away lives?

Technology is advancing all the time and yet somehow, we can’t move forward as far as humanity is concerned. By banning animal testing, you will certainly receive a great amount of respect from us, the public.

Please end animal testing for good.

Yours sincerely,

Lauren kearney

Uppdatera #210 år sedan
Please share this petition and together, let's make a change for animals! Please check out my article and rate it too: http://www.teenink.com/hot_topics/community_service/article/664733/Believe-in-a-Beautiful-World/
You're amazing!
Uppdatera #110 år sedan
Thanks to all you wonderful people for signing my petition to end animal testing in the U.S! We need as many signatures as possible. So, please, share this with your friends and family and let's work together to make a change in this world!!!
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