One horse-racing track has killed hundreds of horses. Shut down Parx Racing in Pennsylvania, now!

In only 11 years, upwards of 1,400 thoroughbred horses have died. Why? Because of racing them at bone-breaking speeds through racetracks so that humans can bet money on which ones will win... or, perhaps more importantly, which ones will survive.

More than half of these horse deaths occurred at one track alone: Parx Racing in Pennsylvania.

Sign the petition to demand that Pennsylvania authorities shut down this murderous horse-racing track now!

Parx Racing is attached to an affiliated casino — in fact, the largest casino in all of Pennsylvania. From this lens, horseracing is nothing more than an extension of slots, cards, and other forms of gambling. It has nothing to do with the horses' lives and health. It has everything to do with seeing them as soulless objects through which humans can vie for money.

To make horses run as fast as they can — and make the "game" even more fun for those betting on these poor animals — owners will do almost anything. Brutal training regimes. Forcing horses to run while injured. Drugs to keep them racing on these injuries. Steroids. Owners will even euthanize these animals if they have horrific falls during races, galloping at breakneck speeds. Owners are not interested in these animals' welfare, happiness, or health. They're just interested in the money they can get from beings they see as "commodities" or "objects."

And so far, it isn't getting any better. In fact, it's been getting worse. From 2018 to 2019, the number of horses killed through racing or post-racing euthanasia nearly doubled.

Luckily, the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, wants to help us shut this disgusting industry down. He's proposing that casino money be used instead to fund college scholarships — and not to prop up the outdated and actually money-sucking "sport" of horse-racing to keep it afloat. This is the right move. Let's show Governor Wolf we support this plan, and get the whole of the Pennsylvania state legislature on board!

Sign the petition to send a clear message to Pennsylvania lawmakers: Shut down this cruel race track now!
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