Judge Gregory S Ross from Sandusky MI awarded joint custody to a repeated rapist Christopher Mirasolo, 27. This criminal raped a 12 year old and she became pregnant from the assault. This Judge gave the rapist joint custody of the child! A man who raped a 12-year-old has been awarded joint custody of her child despite being convicted of her rape and another sexual assault on a child.

    The convicted rapist assaulted the girl nine years ago and she subsequently became pregnant.

    This judge has given Christopher Mirasolo, 27, parenting time and joint legal custody of the eight-year-old boy after a paternity test found he was the father. This all happened without the victim's consent or a hearing to allow her views to be shared on the record.

    Since his conviction for the rape in 2008, Mirasolo, from Brown City, Michigan, has been convicted of another child sex assault, for which he served four years in prison. THIS JUDGE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT JUSTICE IS - SIGN THE PETITION TO REMOVE HIM FROM THE BENCH AND PROTECT VICTIMS OF CHILD RAPE.
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