Tell Mars Candy- Stop Animal Experiments

You should know that candy maker Mars, Inc,. creator of M&M's, Snickers, Twix, Dove, Three Musketeers, Starburst, Skittles, and their candies, funds deadly animal tests, even though there are more reliable human studies and not one of the tests is required by law.

Mars has also funded cruel experiments in which mice were fed a candy ingredient and forced to swim in a pool of a water mixed with white paint. There is no justification for these cruel experiments.

Stop unnecessary animal experiments.

Mars Incorperated
Chairman: John F. Mars
President and CEO: Paul S. Michaels
EVP and CFO: Olivier Goudet
6885 Elm St.
McLean, VA 22101
phone: 703-821-4900
fax: 703-448-9678

You should know that candymaker Mars, Inc,. creator of M&M's, Snickers, Twix, Dove, Three Musketeers, Starburst, Skittles, and ther candies, funds deadly animal tests, even though there are more reliable human studies and not one of the tests is required by law.

Mars has also funded cruel experiments in which mice were fed a candy ingredient and forced to swim in a pool of a water mixed with white paint. There is no justification for these cruel experiments.

Stop unnecessary animal experiments.

Mars Incorperated
Chairman: John F. Mars
President and CEO: Paul S. Michaels
EVP and CFO: Olivier Goudet
6885 Elm St.
McLean, VA 22101
phone: 703-821-4900
fax: 703-448-9678

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