Protect the abandoned cats and dogs in Greece

  • mottagare: International Organisation for Animal Protection

At todays hard face of Greece's economic crisis, where the unemployment is at 26%, the 21 % of the population is living below poverty level, and more than 3 million people are living without heating and medical care because of poverty , the most innocent victims of this austerity and economic crisis ,are pets.At Corfu where we live, abandoned dogs and cats searching at the rubbish for something to eat, living at the roads while raining in winter shivering from the cold ,and desperately searching for some water during summer, is a common nearly everyday scene.The greatest majority of them have been abandoned from previous owners and are friendly.They are in great need for food ,medicines and be sterilized. They need a shelter and people to take care of them.
We do hope that through public awareness,
through contacts with local ,national and international press and media,
people who really care and have the willpower to help on a volunteer base,
could take action through taking care of abandoned cat and dogs , collecting some food and medicines and help performing a sterilisation program.
Cats and dogs, can be our best friends .They give us their devotion ,their friendship, their kindness.Lets give them our care .

At todays hard face of Greece's economic crisis, where the unemployment is at 26%, the 21 % of the population is living below poverty level, and more than 3 million people are living without heating and medical care because of poverty , the most innocent victims of this austerity and economic crisis ,are pets.At Corfu where we live, abandoned dogs and cats searching at the rubbish for something to eat, living at the roads while raining in winter,shivering from the cold at winter, and desperately searching for some water during summer, is a nearly everyday scene.The greatest majority of them have a collar at their neck and are friendly.They are in great need for some food ,medicines and be sterilized. They need a shelter and people to take care of them. We do hope that through public awareness, through contacts with local ,national and international press and media, people who really care and have the willpower to help on a volunteer base, could take action through taking care of abandoned cat and dogs , collecting some food and medicines and help performing a sterilisation program. Cats and dogs, can be our best friends .They give us their devotion ,their friendship, their kindness.Lets give them our care .

Uppdatera #49 år sedan
Thank you for helping us reach 3.200 signatures already .Please help us meet the 10.000 signatures target to help save abandoned pets in Greece .
Uppdatera #39 år sedan
With your help we have 2700 signatures already!Please help us meet the 10.000 signatures target to demand help for the abandoned pets in Greece .Every day more abandoned cats and dogs can be found all around Greece, in every street and neighborhood.They need a shelter,medical care ,sterilizations food and water supplies .Please help us to demand a better future for them
Uppdatera #29 år sedan
Thank you for signing the petition << Protect the abandoned cats and dogs in Greece>>.
Every day more and more abandoned cats and dogs can be found alone at the roads.Please help to protect them .Up to now 2500 signatures declare the willpower to help.Please help us reach 10.000 signatures .

Thank you

Uppdatera #19 år sedan
Thank you for signing the petition to 'Protect the abandoned cats and dogs in Greece .' Kindly help spread the word to get more signatures by sending this petition link to your family and friends to sign.
Thank you
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