Demand a REINVESTIGATION for the mysterious death of Japanese actor MIURA HARUMA, RIGHT NOW

  • av: Dung Ngô
  • mottagare: Metropolitan Tokyo Police

Japanese actor MIURA HARUMA suddenly passed away on 18th July, 2020, due to ALLEGEDLY suicide. Howerver, there is a lot of INCONSISTENCY in the police report, his manager's testimony, and his company's testimony (Amuse Entertainment). Therefore, Haruma's fans are questioning the truth of his death.

Because of this reason, we are as long-time fans of MIURA HARUMA, demand :
1. Amuse to explain why the breaking news was released 54 minutes earlier than police's investigation.

2. Amuse Entertainment to put pressure on Tokyo Police to REINVESTIGATE Haruma's case.

3. Tokyo Police to announce the CAUSE OF DEATH as well as the exact time frame.
4. Tokyo Police to publish EVERY evidence such as neighbors' testimony, camera footage, Haruma's schedule .... from 6am to 2pm on 18th July, 2020 at Haruma's apartment in Minato Ward.

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