Demand that the hunting license of a coward hunter is revoked

  • av: Eef Mus
  • mottagare: The Dutch government

Demand that the hunting license of a coward hunter is revoked and that the current wildlife policy is reformed drastically.

WEERT - The hunter who cowardly shot and killed a bunch of wild pigs after firemen had rescued the animals from drowning in  the South Willemsvaart, was not allowed to do so says a spokesman for the province of Limburg.

The animals were allowed to be slain, because they were outside the national parks, but not on Sunday. ,, Sunday may not be hunted, "says the spokesman. Responsible Deputy Patrick van der Broeck (CDA)agrees that the hunting act was not in accordance with the policy.

“This sickening display of first saving animals from drowning and then shooting them after they get out of the water, is another tragic evidence of the need to reform the current wildlife policy”, says a spokesperson for Nature Preservations. "Nature offers a lot more place for big game than the provinces pretend to be. The current wildlife policy is outdated. Instead of resorting to the gun so quickly, the organization would like to see the provinces create more space for wildlife in the Netherlands.  We should be more tolerant to the environment we live in and not so overbearing. If we really want to regulate everything we will not succeed and nature will be pretty boring. If other countries can, why can’t the Netherlands”?

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