New Zealand: Step Up for Rare Dolphins Before it's too Late

  • av: Jessica Ramos
  • mottagare: New Zealand's Prime Minister John Key

New Zealand's rarest and smallest dolphin with a Mickey Mouse ear-shaped dorsal fin is in trouble. Conservationists and scientists predict that the Maui's dolphin could go extinct by 2031, or in roughly 15 years, if the New Zealand government continues to ineffectively address the issue of fishing nets. Over 90 percent of Maui's dolphin fatalities involve fishing nets. But there's still hope for the dolphins -- if the government intervenes and puts their interests over the fishing industry, then the species can bounce back with "up to 500 individuals within about 90 years."

So what is it going to be Prime Minister? The New Zealand government has to choose between the fishing industry or protecting its rare wildlife. If you want the government to choose the wildlife cause, then sign and share this petition demanding that the New Zealand government step up for Maui's dolphins before it's too late. Extinction is forever.

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