Mexico Has Finally Decriminalized Abortion. El Salvador Must Follow Suit!

In a huge victory for reproductive rights, Mexico's Supreme Court finally threw out all federal criminal penalties for abortion. This amazing court order will remove abortion from the federal penal code and, in fact, require that federal health institutions provide abortions for any person who seeks one. This is another vital step towards widening access to the procedure across Latin America!

But right now, in El Salvador, the situation is quite different - and dire.

Sign now to demand El Salvadorian courts follow in Mexico's footsteps and decriminalize abortion!

Authorirites in El Salvador have literally convicted women of homicide - and sentenced them to 30 years in prison - for suffering miscarriages or obstetric emergencies.

People with uteruses deserve access to whatever care they want and need. It is time El Salvador decriminalizes abortion, too!

For over two decades, El Savadorans have lived under the terrifying reality of a total abortion ban. There are no exceptions for health concerns which threaten the lives of the the pregnant parent, or even incest or rape, creating horrific conditions for those who do not want or cannot safely have a baby. But now, the country's highest court has the opportunity to overturn this archaic rule.

It is time for all El Salvadorians to have access to the reproductive care they deserve. Sign the petition if you agree!
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