FaceBook : remove the page of Chavello P.: dutch dealer in exotic animals

Recently 140 dead exotic animals were found in this man's closed shop.
He can't be prosecuted due to inadequate laws.
Now he is selling exotic animals on his Face Book page.
This has to be stopped!    

Dear Face Book Managers, 
with this petition we ask you to remove the page of Chavello P. , a dutch man who offers exotic animals for sale on his page. 
In his former shop the dead bodies of 140 animals were found recently: they died from starvation, being left in the shop after it closed down.

This man should not be allowed to sell (exotic) animals with help from a page on your Face Book. A lot of the animals involved are protected species.   
Face Book should not want to take part in this by allowing people to put this on their page.  

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