Regulate Greyhound Racing in Ireland and Enforce the Welfare Act 2011

Thousands of greyhounds vanish each year, some are found abused, neglected, starved and with horrific injuries However, justice is never done. No one has to take responsibility for these dogs. We want the Welfare Act 2011 enforced, whereby change of ownership is compulsory.

You wouldn't sell your car and leave it in your own name? We also want all greys microchipped, we know the story all too well of trainers cutting their ears off so they cannot be identified. It is a small step but it may discourage owners from 'disposing' of their greyhounds in such a cruel inhumane manner. Help us get justice for these beautiful creatures who know only a life of being used and then dumped or shot when no longer required or they dont make the grade. 

Approx 27000 are bred each year for the industry, no one can account for these numbers, where are they? 

This is a first step but a huge one in terms of greyhound welfare in Ireland. Help us to help them, be their voice.

We the undersigned would like to ask the Minister of State Shane McEntee, to ensure the enforcement of the Welfare Act 2011.

Thousands of greyhounds are abused, neglected, mutilated, dumped and killed each year, thousands more vanish without a trace

We believe that the small step of mandatory change of ownership will see a decrease in this disgusting inhumane manner of disposing of unwanted greyhounds

Currently when we report greyhound cruelty, we are given the same pat answer by the IGBs welfare officer Mr Barry Coleman 'the owner gave the dog away to someone he did not know'. Accountability and responsibility should lie with the last registered owner.

Ireland is famed for its Greyhound Racing, and the world is watching on.

Please Clean up this industry for once and for all. 

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