Stop Creating Genetically Modified Cattle!

  • av: Chris Wolverton
  • mottagare: Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

Chinese scientists are conducting experiments to create genetically modified (GM) cattle designed to produce tastier beef. They have given extra genes to two calf clones in hopes that the genes will increase muscle fat and improve meat flavor. After the calves reach maturity, they will be slaughtered to test the quality of their meat.

Though beef is not a necessary part of the human diet, the best tasting and healthiest beef is traditionally produced by treating cattle well, allowing them to graze and roam free, and feeding them a natural diet. Producing GM cattle might improve beef flavor for less money, but animals must suffer greatly in these experiments. Like all GM foods, GM beef would have unpredictable effects on the health of humans who consume it.

If successful, GM beef will likely end up in European and American markets. Please sign the petition to put a stop to GM cattle.

To: Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China

We, the undersigned, are concerned that Chinese scientists are conducting experiments to create genetically modified (GM) cattle designed to produce tastier beef. We understand that these experiments involve giving cloned cattle extra genes to increase the fat in their muscles.

Beef is not a necessary part of the human diet, but some methods of raising cattle are more ethical than others. The best tasting and healthiest beef is traditionally produced by treating cattle well, allowing them to graze and roam free, and feeding them a natural diet. Producing GM cattle might improve beef flavor and cut costs, but there is a great deal of animal suffering involved in these experiments. Like all GM foods, GM beef would have unpredictable effects on the health of humans who consume it.

We believe it is unethical to allow these experiments to continue or to sell any resulting beef for consumption. These experiments are detrimental to human and animal health. Please take action to end the production of GM cattle. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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