Stop the New Zealand Dolphin becoming EXTINCT


In 1970 there where 30,000 New Zealand Dolphins, now there are only 7,000 left. And for the small population around New Zealand's North Island (Known as the Maui Dolphins) it's even more critial- there are fewer than a hundred left alive. Unless the GOVERNMENT act's now the Maui will be gone in as little as 38 years. It's fishing nets that will kill the unique little dolphin. They are dying in nets at a horrifing rate!! There fate is in the hands of the New Zealand Government, but the Government CAN save them!!.It is really quite simple- all the dolphins need to ensure their future is a safe place to live- an area free from the DEATH NETS that will cause them EXTINCTION.

Please sign this petition to ensure the survival of the Maui Dolphin in New Zealand and save it from Extinction. REMEMBER EXTINCTION IS FOREVER!! Thank you all so much for signing..

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