Support those who support us: KY CHFS

We stand with Kentucky's Cabinet for Health & Family Services (CHFS), a state-ran organization designed to provide support to families in need, in pursuing equitable compensation to increase worker recruitment and retention.

We support Governor Andy Beshear for offering CHFS workers a 10% raise and expediting the hiring process so workers can be hired and start within 7 days of application. Along with this Governor Beshear stated he would look into funding for loan forgiveness programs and or scholarships for state social workers.

We recognize that a mass worker exodus is plaguing CHFS and the departments within. Employees are overloaded with assignments, oftentimes in the midst of unsafe environments. Many vacant positions go unfilled due to insufficient wages. Despite being faced with many challenges, these workers continue to provide passionate service, but with inflated workloads quality of care is compromised.

We believe it is essential for social service professionals and support staff at CHFS be recognized and sufficiently compensated for their work, which adheres to the ethics acknowledged in this statement.

Therefore, we ask that Governor Beshear and state legislators support CHFS requests for annual raises of 5%, salary increases based on level of education, designation for hazardous duty, and a wage study and reevaluation of the pay scales within the Executive Branch. These requests will increase retention rates and assist in filling vacant positions so that CHFS can better serve their communities.

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