Usher: Rodeos Are Deadly. Please Cancel on the Calgary Stampede!

  • av: Samita S
  • mottagare: Usher and The Roots

Dear Usher and The Roots,

You are world renown singers admired by millions.

You are also scheduled to perform at the annual Calgary Stampede this 2017, which contains our nation's most well-known rodeo.

While the exhibition's 1,000,000+ attendants are no doubt looking forward your performance, you have an important opportunity to send a powerful message to the Stampede to cancel their cruel annual rodeo, which results in animal deaths almost every year -- and has even resulted in a few human deaths, too.

The Calgary Stampede is not just a festival; it is also home to Canada's famous Stampede rodeo. Rodeo events involve chuckwagon racing (which has caused numerous horse fatalities), calf roping (many calves have had their necks snapped and died), and steer riding/steer wrestling -- a terrifying experience for the bulls.

Many rodeos use torture methods like electric prodding and tail twisting to get the bulls riled up before these bull riding spectacles take place.

In fact, in 2015, the Calgary Herald ran an article about the shameful treatment of animals at the Stampede (available here: Four horses died and one calf-roper was disqualified for livestock mistreatment after it was discovered that he excessively beat a horse.

Here is a CTV News article about animal deaths that have occurred at the Stampede between 1986-2013 ( Rodeo work is exceptionally dangerous, and two humans have also lost their lives at the Stampede during this time frame.

While no animals died in 2016, attendance was at the lowest it has been since 1995 (, and animal rights groups such as the Vancouver Humane Society continue to campaign for the end of the Calgary Stampede rodeo, which is inherently cruel, dangerous for both people and animals, and becoming less and less profitable as people gain awareness of its atrocities.

The Calgary Stampede is more than a rodeo; it is an annual exhibition that promotes a festive atmosphere and brings tourists in to Alberta's capital city. But it's time that the outdated rodeo was laid to rest.

Take this opportunity to stand up for the fallen rodeo performers, as well as the animals who have lost -- and will lose -- their lives in previous and future rodeos. With the knowledge that the Calgary Stampede has no plans to get rid of their rodeo anytime soon, please cancel your scheduled performance at this event.

For more information on rodeos and the Calgary Stampede, please visit:

Dear Usher and The Roots,

Rodeos have caused countless deaths of animals as well as senseless human fatalities. As the Calgary Stampede is the most prominent rodeo event in Canada, please take a stand against this outdated practice by canceling your upcoming show at this cruel event. 

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