PARIS 2015: World Leaders Must #ActOnClimate

  • av: Aaron V.
  • mottagare: UN Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres, Secretary

Due to recent tragic events, public protests will be scaled back outside the UN climate change conference in Paris. This makes it critical that our online voice is as loud as possible - JOIN OUR VIRTUAL MARCH ON PARIS.

Urge the world's leaders gathered in Paris to forge a binding agreement to:

  • Keep global temperatures from rising by more than 1.5° C.
  • Transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050 - Keep fossil fuels in the ground.
  • Support vulnerable and developing communities' solutions that help people and the environment.

The U.S., China and other world leaders have already submitted plans to limit carbon pollution. Unfortunately, these agreements won't keep warming under 2°C, and top scientists have warned that the world should be working to limit warming even more significantly.

Simply put: Climate agreements made in Paris must be stronger, and go further than anything the world has ever agreed to before.

This challenge is difficult, but not impossible. The climate change movement is stronger then ever. In the last month alone we've blocked the Keystone XL pipeline that would develop the dirtiest fossil fuels, forced Shell to pull out of the Arctic, and exposed Exxon Mobil for lying to investors about the dangers of global warming.

We can keep winning for our planet and our future If we come together with a global voice and sound a deafening call to our delegates in Paris. Sign and share the petition to join our virtual march. Urge our leaders in Paris to #ActOnClimate.

Congratulations on the significant work that has been accomplished already. Nearly 200 parties have submitted plans to limit carbon pollution in advance of the conference. Unfortunately, these agreements won't be enough to keep warming under 2° C, and top scientists have sounded the call that the world should be working to limit warming even more significantly. 

As you are gathered together in Paris please work to forge a binding agreement which will:

  • Keep global temperatures from rising by more than 1.5° C.

  • Transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050 - Keep fossil fuels in the ground.

  • Support vulnerable and developing communities' efforts to implement solutions that help people and the environment.

Thank you for your commitment to our people and our planet.
Uppdatera #19 år sedan
The Paris climate talks are down to the wire! Can you help push for a strong, binding agreement to help keep global warming in check? Click here to tweet. Click here to share on Facebook. We're close to a deal that will allow hope to survive. Sharing is how we win! Take action today!
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