Shut Down this Illegal Wolf Fur Farm

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Office of Law Enforcement

Image credit: Hilary Cooley

When you visit a petting zoo — or any facility that claims to promote conservation education — you expect that the animals will be well cared for and live long, happy lives.

That's not the kind of place that Lakeville, Minnesota's Fur-Ever Wild is — at least not according to animal rights advocates. They say that animals at the facility — including endangered gray wolves pups — languish in inadequate conditions and are killed for their pelts when they are too big to be visited by tourists at Fur-Ever Wild's petting zoo.

But what Fur-Ever Wild is doing isn't just cruel — it's also illegal. The Endangered Species Act expressly prohibits facilities like Fur-Ever Wild from slaughtering rare species like the iconic gray wolf for commercial gain.

It's high time this awful place be shut down. That's why we're calling on the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement to do its job and investigate Fur-Ever Wild for violating the Endangered Species Act.

If enough of us speak out, we can end the terrible wolf killings at Fur-Ever Wild. Please sign the petition now to help us win!

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