Keep Oxford Greyhound Track CLOSED

Opponents of the recently presented Housing Plans from Galliard Homes for Oxford Greyhound track, are to petition the Government and Oxford City Council to try and continue racing Greyhounds at the track.
Housing Plans are to be submitted later this year and could finaly see an end to Greyhounds suffering for Oxford, where 
Andrew Raven, spokesman for Galliard Homes has said 'that greyhound racing had no future there as it made insufficient money. '

Please sign this petition in support of an end to Greyhounds suffering for tradition at Oxford.

By signing this petition you can help raise awareness to Oxford City Council how:
* Recently, Michael Peterson faced 2 serious disciplinary charges for positive greyhound urine samples, on the eve of quitting as an Oxford Trainer, shortly after a preliminary investigation into 2 Oxford Trainers' Greyhounds showed improved performance. You can see more on Drug abuse with Oxford Greyhounds here.
*And the recent death of a greyohund, who was found distressed on being taken out of his racing kennel shortly before being raced at Oxford.

These are just a few examples of the sad reality that greyhounds endure to sustain an Industry in decline.
An industry that takes very little regard or responsibility of the thousands of greyhounds bred for it. 

With the opportunity now presented by
Galliard Homes to see the track used with an ethical future, it is now time for Oxford City Council to take notice of the greyhound plight.
Please also sign and share Close Wimbledon Greyhound Stadium
Please see Greyhound Safe for further information on how you can join the voice for greyhounds.

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