Ban The Environmental Hazard of Balloon Releases Now!

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Every state besides California, Connecticut, Florida, Tennessee and Virginia

People love to release balloons into the sky on happy occasions: sports games, graduations, weddings, you name it. But the tradition has a deadly effect on wildlife and our environment! 

Will you sign the petition asking for a total ban on releasing balloons into the air in all states that allow it?

There are plenty of ways to celebrate that don't put toxic materials into the world where innocent animals can ingest them and die. Sometimes the balloons even have strings attached, which can entangle birds or even kill them. No animal deserves to die so humans can have a nice moment. 

Some balloon companies say their balloons are biodegradable, but even those take years and so are still a risk. Others claim all their balloons burst into tiny pieces that don't matter. But actually, microplastics are polluting our water now more than ever. 

There is already so much litter that ends up in the wild by accident, we really shouldn't allow activities that will always result in toxic litter on purpose. One Green Planet has a whole list of ideas for celebrations or honoring someone instead of balloons, including bubbles, planting a tree, or luminaries in recycled bags! The simple fact is: this is an unnecessary and harmful practice and we shouldn't allow it.

Some states in the U.S. have put laws in place banning balloon releases, and that's a great start! They are:  California, Connecticut, Florida, Tennessee and Virginia. And even some cities have taken charge: Ocean City, Maryland; Louisville, Kentucky; Huntsville, Alabama; San Francisco, California; Nantucket, Massachusetts; Provincetown, Massachusetts; and Baltimore, Maryland, according to

But we need every single state to follow suit if we want to end this totally preventable litter from harming our animals. Will you sign on asking for a total ban on balloon releases?
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