Tell the Victorian Government to Save the Platypus from Extinction

  • av: Georgia B
  • mottagare: Liliana D'Ambrosio, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change

Conservationists in Victoria are calling for a crackdown on yabby pots after almost half a platypus population in the state's east was wiped out by illegal nets, according to a report on

Five platypus were recenty found dead inside two opera house traps in a dam near Melbourne. Scientists said the deaths were a significant "blow to the population", which had been slowly recovering in recent years from set backs including bushfires and drought.

"The reality is there are probably thousands of these nets out there, and we only hear of a fraction of these incidents."

"Potentially there are over 100 platypus that could get drowned in these just in Victoria alone. It's quite an issue."

Will you join me in urging the Victorian Government to ban the sale of opera house nets to the public to save the platypus from extinction. Please sign and share the petition.

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