Tell Comcast To DROP Fox News from Basic Cable!

Why should liberals, progressives and sane people pay $20.64 EVERY YEAR for FOX News' lies? We can and SHOULD end this!

It's easy to see how FOX destroys the brains of our fellow Americans:

• "Watching only Fox News makes you less informed than watching NO NEWS at all" – Business Insider
• "People who trust Fox News are more likely to believe falsehoods about COVID-19" – AP
• "Republicans who watch Fox News are more likely to believe false theories about Jan. 6. – Washington Post

Here's the worst part: Cable companies pay Fox News more than EVERY other news network!  Why?

Why be forced to pay for the destruction of our country? We FINALLY have a way to hold Fox News accountable for their lies!

If Comcast kicks Fox News off basic cable for Fox's attacks on truth, their funding will tank. If rabid conservatives want their daily lies from Tucker Carlson, why not make THEM pay for it? 

Let's Make America FACTUAL Again.

Add your name to DEMAND Comcast drop Fox News from basic cable bills!

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