Demand the Biden administration take action to stop the epidemic of sexual abuse at DHS!

  • av: OD Action
  • mottagare: The Biden Administration

An unpublished federal watchdog report obtained by the Project On Government Oversight found that over 10,000 employees in the Department of Homeland Security had experienced sexual harassment or misconduct while at work from 2012 to 2018.

That number is absolutely staggering — especially considering that DHS and its subordinate agents in ICE and the Border Patrol are notorious for molesting and abusing the innocent migrants they apprehend at the border and then herd into for-profit concentration camps. DHS oversight indicated that between 2010 and 2016, they received 33,000 complaints of abuse against their employees.

Call on President Biden to take action against sexual predators at DHS!

If DHS employees are rampantly abusing both the migrants they're supposed to be caring for and their own colleagues, it's clear that the institution itself is rotten to the core. This report has been worked on for more than four years — but DHS has refused to release it, working to redact the most damning evidence of the abuse they've turned a blind eye to for so many years.

The Biden administration needs to take swift and decisive action to deal with the institutionalized rape culture infecting a major American law enforcement agency, punishing both those responsible and those who tried to cover it up.

Demand the Biden administration take action to stop the epidemic of sexual harassment and abuse at DHS!

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