Sanctuary for Mali, the Manila Zoo Elephant

Mali is a captive elephant in the Philippines' Manila Zoo confined to her barren, concrete enclosure for about 35 years. Mali is the Philippines’ only captive elephant - and she hasn't seen another elephant for over 30 years.

President Benigno Aquino III has received a personal letter from world-renowned

animal conservation expert Dr. Jane Goodall. Goodall wrote to the president to support his directive that orders that Mali—the lone elephant suffering without veterinary care at the Manila Zoo—be reviewed and considered for transfer to a sanctuary. In the letter, Goodall emphasizes the importance of transferring Mali as soon as possible so that she can finally receive proper veterinary care and enjoy the companionship of other elephants.

We ask that Mali be sent to a sanctuary with other elephants where she is no longer denied the opportunity to engage in activities that elephants need for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Please transfer her immediately.

SOURCE and Additional Petition:

Mayor Alfredo Lim
Mayor of Manila
(02) 527-4991
(02) 527-4983 (fax)

Mali is a captive elephant in the Philippines' Manila Zoo confined to her barren, concrete enclosure for about 35 years. Mali is the Philippines’ only captive elephant - and she hasn't seen another elephant for over 30 years.

President Benigno Aquino III has received a personal letter from world-renowned

animal conservation expert Dr. Jane Goodall. Goodall wrote to the president to support his directive that orders that Mali—the lone elephant suffering without veterinary care at the Manila Zoo—be reviewed and considered for transfer to a sanctuary. In the letter, Goodall emphasizes the importance of transferring Mali as soon as possible so that she can finally receive proper veterinary care and enjoy the companionship of other elephants.

We ask that Mali be sent to a sanctuary with other elephants where she is no longer denied the opportunity to engage in activities that elephants need for their physical, mental, and emotional health. Please transfer her immediately.

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