Justice for Katy P. — Find the Monster Who Lit a Firecracker in Cat's Rectum

  • av: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Police Chief Chief Kenneth A. Coontz, Mansfield Police Department
It's hard to imagine what kind of person would light a firecracker inside a cat, but that's exactly what someone in Mansfield, Ohio did to a cat named Katy P. She was found injured earlier this week after some cruel person set off a firecracker in her rectum.

Unfortunately, the monster who did this is still out there. Please sign this petition urging Mansfield police to do everything they can to find Katy's abuser now before he or she hurts another animal.

Whoever did this evil act isn't just a danger to animals — they're a danger to people as well. There are plenty of studies that show an irrefutable link between violence against animals and violence against people. Many of the world's most heinous violent criminals got their start torturing or killing animals.

Finding this cat abuser is a matter of public safety for animals and humans alike. Please urge the Mansfield police to find this person now.

Photo credit: Humane Society of Richland County
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