Stop Paid Varmint Contests for Fox, Bobcat, Coyote, Raccoons, Skunk, Opossum, and Porcupine Across the State of Texas

Several times each year across the great state of Texas, "Varmint Hunts (or Contests)" are held where prize money for the most kills, the largest animals, etc. are paid accordingly. These hunts across Texas have killed thousands of Fox, Bobcat, Coyote, Raccoons, Skunk, Opossum, and Porcupine.  Most of these hunts do not impose a limit on kills. These hunts are held on private and public lands.

These contests, aka. slaughters, against these beautiful animals must be halted before they go extinct. For two years now in East Texas we have not heard coyotes howl in the evenings as we used to and fear that they've been killed due to these hunts.

Please end these cruel and unnecessary Varmint Hunt Money Contests across Texas. These are senseless killings for money and a plaque with a pictures of all the animals killed.

This event teaches the children that participate that chasing and killing these animals is acceptable. What kind of values is that to pass on to the younger generation when we should be teaching them to respect and compassion toward these and other, animals.

Thank you,

East Texans Against Varmint Contests

Uppdatera #15 år sedan
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