President Xi Jinping: Ban the Yulin Dog Meat Festival Once and For All!

Every year for 10 days, thousands of dogs are slaughtered in southern China's Guangxi province during the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Festivals like this one promote the industry's terrible practices and perpetuate the unnecessary suffering of, quite literally, tens of millions of dogs and cats who are slaughtered for their meat every year in China. On top of that, the festival isn't even popular among the people of China. More and more pressure from within the country is being put on President Xi Jinping to end the festival once and for all, and we must continue elevate those voices and urge the president to take action!

Sign now to demand President Xi Jinping finally ban the Yulin Dog Meat Festival!

The Yulin Dog Meat Festival has been under international scrutiny for over a decade, and few Chinese people even support it. In fact, a growing number of people in China are pet owners, and a shocking number of slaughtered dogs at Yulin are literally abducted from households by vendors who want extra meat. Journalists and animal advocates have leaked countless photographs of dogs still wearing collars from their owners before they are brutally butchered. Those selling meat at the festival will even pick up innocent strays to kill to make extra profit.

The slaughtering is gruesome enough, but the details of the animals' treatment before their deaths are even worse. Many vendors believe that adrenalin makes the meat that they are preparing taste better, so some of the dogs killed are literally tortured and beaten to raise their adrenaline before they are killed. Often, the dogs are then skinned and boiled alive. Images and stories from the festival are a thing of nightmares -- and we must put a stop to it once and for all.

The festival began June 21st, so there is no time to lose. Sign the petition now to tell President Xi Jinping, the atrocities of the Yulin Dog Meat Festival have gone on for too long. We must put pressure on him before any more dogs suffer unnecessarily!

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