Tell Congress: Censure Trump for Lying About Obama’s Calls to Fallen Troops’ Families

Since before he declared his candidacy, Donald Trump has not hesitated to lie to the American public. His political reputation was built on a racist lie about President Obama’s birthplace, and he has only escalated his barrage of alternative facts and utter deception from there.

Still, his fabrication about Presidents Obama and Bush not calling the families of fallen U.S. Service Members crosses a new line — even for Trump. With this shameful lie, the president defames not only his predecessors but heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice and their families.

Congress cannot allow this despicable act to slide by without consequence. It is time for our elected officials to appropriately respond to this president’s flagrant disrespect for his own office, the country, and our fellow Americans.

We call on the United States Congress to officially censure President Trump for his disgraceful lies about former presidents and the families of those who bravely served the United States of America.
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