Petition to STOP FB from blocking Animal Rescuers

It has come to our attention that Facebook, world renowned for being a social networking site, is banning the social network of some. It seems to many that Facebook is becoming biased with who they let use their constitutional right of free speech. Everyday, whether it be online or in the field, animal rights activists fight for a change in laws, using facebook as a tool to raise awareness. While it is a small step in the protection of animals, it is a vital one. Over 750 million people are now members of Facebook. Countless lives have been saved by cross-posting, raising awareness, and supporters who are now being told that their work was in vain. Everyday these pages are banned, or '15 day holds' are placed, lives are lost. We have seen sites that are pro-trophy hunting, for the hatred of cats and other animals. These pages are allowed to stay on Facebook spewing their hate, but our pages are being banned. Please allow animal rights activists the same rights you allow to others.
It has come to our attention that Facebook, world renowned for being a social networking site, is banning the social network of some. It seems to many that Facebook is becoming biased with who they let use their constitutional right of free speech. Everyday, whether it be online or in the field, animal rights activists fight for a change in laws, using facebook as a tool to raise awareness. While it is a small step in the protection of animals, it is a vital one. Over 750 million people are now members of Facebook. Countless lives have been saved by cross-posting, raising awareness, and supporters who are now being told that their work was in vain. Everyday these pages are banned, or '15 day holds' are placed, lives are lost. We have seen sites that are pro-trophy hunting, for the hatred of cats and other animals. These pages are allowed to stay on Facebook spewing their hate, but our pages are being banned. Please allow animal rights activists the same rights you allow to others.
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